Daughters of the American Revolution 
80+ ornate, high-end lighting and interior furnishings that once graced the halls of the White House and other mansions at the turn of the centuryall designed by America’s pre-eminent manufacturers E.F. Caldwell & Co. 
An eye catching timeline establishes who E.F. Caldwell & Co. were, and what made their work so impactful and well-renowned. This design layout sold the client on including this new storytelling element after the introduction. 
Custom artifact labels play off the hand drawn catalogs created by E.F. Caldwell & Co.'s group of specialized artisans. This system marries the existing artifact illustrations with the client's additional content.
"I've never seen a designer have so much fun personalizing captions." — Nina Reck, Creative Director
Graphics & Branding
Graphic Designer, from concept to completion. In collaboration with Creative Directors Tracy Revis & Nina Reck with Exhibit Designers Melissa Van Ostenbridge & Brenton Duhan. 

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